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Lydia Belle EFIMBA National Coordinator a.i., National Programme on G June 3, 2013
It is with much heaviness of heart and spirit that I'm trying to grapple with the transition of my "Petit frere". We know that it is better to bow out while one is still appreciated but you Prof Peter, have taken the curtain call much too soon to the chargrin of many who still looked up to you with respect and love. You are so many different things to many. I have one consolation: that you lived the life of a true beliver, sensitive and caring
Your crusade here on earth is over so fly away brother, to join the Saints in that heavenly Kingdom where a well-deserved rest awaits you. Peace profound !!  
Godfrey B. Tangwa Farewell from all CAMBINites June 3, 2013

I first met Peter Ndumbe around 1987 when I joined the University of Yaounde as a lecturer.  Our first mutual interest was drama and theatre. I had just formed a drama and theatre group, THE FLAME PLAYERS, in Yaounde and Peter was one of our enthusiastic fans who hated to miss any of our performances. Later in the early 1990s, he became a fan of a newspaper column, NO TRIFLING MATTER, I wrote in the CAMEROON POST under the pen-name Rotcod Gobata and it soon generally became known that I was the columnist. Under his Deanship of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University of Yaounde 1, Medical Ethics and Medical Research Ethics, as modern interdisciplinary fields of concern and enquiry, emerged from hesitant tentativeness and flourished for a while in the faculty. In 2005, Peter Ndumbe, with me and a handful of other scientists and academic researchers, founded the Cameroon Bioethics Initiative (CAMBIN), an independent non-governmental organization dedicated to ethics in medicine, biomedical research and bioethics generally. In 2010, as Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Buea, he hosted the General Assembly and annual Conference of the CAMBIN at the University of Buea. He had multi-disciplinary interests but was, first and foremost, a great researcher with many scientific achievements to his credit and I used to count him among the hostages of medical practice to medical research, until I learnt recently that he had actually practiced as a physician in Nkambe after his MD graduation before going for further studies and specialization. On this sad occasion of his precipitate departure to the world beyond our senses and experience, I wish to register, on behalf of myself and particularly on behalf of all CAMBINites, our heartfelt condolences to his immediate and extended families, to his friends, colleagues, acquaintances and admirers.

Godfrey B. Tangwa (Chairperson of CAMBIN)

Pr Khaled Bessaoud Conseiller régional OMS AFRO - Brazzaville June 3, 2013

Nous étions confiants quand il nous était annoncé régulièrement par Pr. Martin Ekéké Monono et notre soeur Stella Anyangwe que tu récupérais progressivement et que tu avais su trouver la force de t'en sortir. Une récidive ce triste lundi soir t’a éloigné définitivement de nous.

Plus qu'un collègue, Peter, tu as été un grand ami a moi; nous partagions en permanence, - dans nos discussions -,  le souci de la performance de l'Organisation, mais aussi de notre continent, de nos Elites; Plus qu'un collègue, Peter, tu étais aussi mon voisin, un voisin pas comme les autres; un des rares à frapper à ma porte, à tout moment, sans protocolae aucun. A chacune de tes visites, tu te sentais chez toi et cela me faisait plaisir. Nous prenions le moment de nous "relacher" sinon de nous relaxer en refaisant le monde au gré de notre imaginaire. Nous revions ensemble et savions que c'est en partageant les reves que les hommes baptissent et realisent. Nous sortions manger un bout après une journée éprouvante; nous écoutions de la bonne musique car tu avais aussi une grande sensiblité pour l'art et la culture. 
Les grands hommes partent souvent prématurément. Ce fut malheureusement encore vérifié avec toi.

Peter, saches que tu as laissé un orphelin a la grande Cité froide de l'OMS ou ta présence et ton charysme savaient insuffler de la chaleur.

Cher Peter, Repôse en Paix. Nous ne t'oublierons pas. 

Sincères condoléances à toute la famille et a tous seux qui l'ont connu et aimé.
Que le Tout-Puissant leur donne la Force et le Courage de surmonter cette pénible et inattendue épreuve.
Khaled Bessaoud
Country Analysis & Support Unit - CAS -
Regional Director's Office
WHO Regional Office for Africa
Brazzaville, Republic of Congo
Tel: +47 241 39284
Fax: +47 241 39563
Mob: +242 065 081 085



Enyih Paul Atogho Mr. June 3, 2013
Prof, Life President of BOBA Yaounde

You had a noble birth, a meteorite rise in academics and a sustained occupation of functionary ranks.
Your demise will be felt and regretted by many, here, there and everywhere.
May God the Source of Life and Sojourn of Etrernitygrant you PEACE PERFECT PEACE in His Kindom.
My deepest and most profound condolences to the Ndumbe Family, BOBA and the Word of Academia.

Enyih Atogho
Tabi Makia THANK YOU June 2, 2013
Thank you Peter for letting GOD use you to be our FRIEND, BROTHER, TEACHER, HEALER, ADVISOR, COUNSELLOR, etc.  May your GOODNESS stay forever young in our memory

E. Ashu Tribute to an Icon June 2, 2013
Ah Prof ! Why? Why did you have to leave so soon? I still vividly remember my last viisit to your home in Limbe on a
Sunday and the sense of heaviness I felt as I was about to leave the house.  I remember asking if we could pray, then we prayed together with Lucella and Co. for the family then I bade mama and papa farewell. I am told that a few minutes after I seperated from Lucella and Co, you called Lucella but the noisy environment around half mile Limbe did not permit her
to  hear you and so she asked you to call back when they got home. It now seems like this was the last time she heard your voice.  I could not believe it when I heard that you passed away the following day (Monday).
I remember you for your compassionate and philantropic assistance to the poor and needy. Thank you for being such an insipiration. Papa & Mama Kepe, Jackson, Etock, Lucella, may God be your strength.

Adieu Prof!  Rest in peace.
Prof Thomas C. NCHINDA Retired WHO Staff Member, Retired Professor of UY June 1, 2013
Dear Peter,
It is paradoxical that I, your teacher and friend should be writing a Eulogy for you on this occasion of your departure from Plannet Earth at 58 that I would refer to as the prime of your life. You were only in College in CPC Bali when I returned from Medical School and was appointed Medical Officer in Kumba in 1962.   I came to know you during your highly stressful medical training in what was then CUSS, University of Yaounde in the latter half of the 70s where I was also Professor. You became my first trainee in the early 80s when you obtained a WHO/TDR grant to do your MSc and PhD in London University. I had left CUSS and was in WHO/TDR and the responsible official for Institutional Strengthening and Training in Africa. Your training grand was awarded in the context of Prof Ngu's TDR grant award.  The last time I saw you was at a Scientific Conference (ISHReCA) in Ouagadougou in 2010 where you were Chairing a session and I was delivering a Key Note speech.  I had seen you briefly 3 years earlier in the Faculty of Medicine in Yaounde as Dean. We also met twice in the airport in Zurich on your way back from a TDR meeting in which you were member and later Chair of STAC, the highest Scientific Body of that Organization.  I only heard a few months ago that you were working in WHO/AFRO.  In such a short time you scaled the academic heights through your research and teaching and left your footprints on the sands of Cameroon. Now the Good Lord has taken you to "where dreams are born, time is never planned and from where no traveller ever returns". You leave behind a grieving mother (Ashia sister) and many friends and colleagues  "who will so think of such happy times they had with you that their hearts will be left "flying on wings until the time the Good Lord calls......."
Prof Thomas C. NCHINDA, MBBS (Lon), MD (Lon), MFCM (UK), DTPH (Lon)
Retired WHO Staff Member and Retired Professor of the University of Yaounde.
BALKISSOU Adamou Dodo Résidente en Pneumologie June 1, 2013
Cher Doyen,

J'ai eu le privilège de faire partie de la 31e promotion de la FMSB, l'unique promotion que vous avez recruté et remis les diplômes de médecins. Vous avez toujours été là pour nous, pas seulement comme doyen, mais comme père et guide. Vous resterez à jamais gravé dans nos mémoires.
C'est avec regret que j'écris aujourd'hui pour adreser mes condoléances à votre famille et tous ceux qui vous sont proches.
Que votre âme repose en paix. 

All my respect to you Prof.
You were more than an inspiration to some of us. A father and a mentor
You were too much of a correct man and merited another destiny.
You supervised my MD thesis in 2005 and you accorded all your time to go through it.
My elder sister reminded me yesterday on how happy you were on the day of my graduation
from the medical school with you as dean and i as best laureat.
You will never be forgotten in the minds of all of my generation Prof.
The candle you lit will never stop illuminating our paths.
Have eternal rest Sir.

Ngalame Alphonse Nyong (M.D and final year resident in Ob / Gyn FMBS UYI)
Dr Faustin YEPNJIO Neurologist, Neuroepidemiologist May 31, 2013
Cher Maître,

J'ai eu le privilège de bénéficier de vos enseignements et particulièrement lors de la soutenance de ma thèse en Médecine où vous présidez le jury.

Vous aviez encore certainement beaucoup de choses à partager dans le monde scientifique, mais en a décidé autrement

Go in peace

Dr Faustin Yepnjio
Total Condolences: 57
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